Central Scotland FM Group

Membership Application / Renewal Form

Call-sign:_________________            Old Call-sign:_________________


Name used in QSO:____________________________

Local repeater:_________________

House Name / Number:___________________



District / City:_______________


Telephone (optional) ________________

Email ___________________________________

(newsletter is sent in .pdf format, and will be normally be sent by e-mail.)

(All Current Data Protection rules will be complied with and by supplying your e-mail you consent to us contacting you by this method.)

Membership Rates 2019

Subscription Fee Enclosed: _______

{Donation:____ }

Please make cheque or postal order payable to "CSFM Group" and post along with this form to:

Crawford Ross, 16 Glebe Crescent, Airdrie, ML6 7DH

Electronic Payment is available on the Website - www.csfmg.com