If you are renewing your membership and there haven't been any changes to the information which we already have, then mark the address area as "NO CHANGE". If you have changed callsign in the last year please give us a note of your previous callsign.
Call-sign:_________________ Old Call-sign:_________________
Name used in QSO:____________________________
Local repeater:_________________
House Name / Number:___________________
District / City:_______________
Telephone (optional) ________________
Email ___________________________________
(newsletter is sent in .pdf format, and will be normally be sent by e-mail.)
(All Current Data Protection rules will be complied with and by supplying your e-mail you consent to us contacting you by this method.)
Subscription Fee Enclosed: _______
{Donation:____ }
Please make cheque or postal order payable to "CSFM Group" and post along with this form to:
Crawford Ross, 16 Glebe Crescent, Airdrie, ML6 7DH
Electronic Payment is available on the Website - www.csfmg.com