Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club

Training Courses Available – to Spring 2008

If you are interested or you know of any one who is interested in the following courses if so can you contact me and get them also to contact me so I can get everyone registered, etc…. There is a fair amount of paperwork involved so the earlier I am contacted the better, plus fees paid allows me to purchase all the course material and confirm room bookings for the courses.

Thanks in advance



 Course 1: Resources Room 2

            Saturday 9th February 2008

            Saturday 16th February 2008 (Exam at 15:00)

Closing Date for Course Fees: 19th January 2008

 Course 2: Resources Room 2

            Saturday 19th April 2008

            Saturday 26th April 2008 (Exam at 15:00)

Closing Date for Course Fees: 29th March 2008


 Course: Resources Room 2

            1st March 2008

            8th March 2008

            15th March 2008

            29th March 2008

            5th April 2008 (Exam at 14:30)

Closing Date for Course Fees: 2nd February 2008


If any one self-study’s for the Advance Licence Exam then they can sit the exam at the club’s RSGB Registered Centre. We will book the venue, administer the examination paperwork and invigilate the exam. See below for exam dates and when the fees must be with the RSGB

Fees for the self study exam are as follows:

RSGB Exam Fees £30 (RSGB Member and Non-Member)

Examination Date and Time                                                    RSGB Closing Date

Tuesday 29th January 08 18:30 start                                                  Tuesday 8th January 08

Wednesday 26th March 08 18:30 start                                               Wednesday 5th March 08

Thursday 22nd May 08 18:30 start                                                      Thursday 1st May 08

Friday 25th July 08 18:30 start                                                             Friday 4th July 08

October 08 TBA

Monday 8th December 08 18:30 start                                                Monday 17th November 08


Further Courses will be announced later in the year


Bob Glasgow GM4UYZ

Sec: Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club


If any other club would like their course dates published here please contact CSFMG

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